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Infections in Nursing Homes: An Expensive and Increasing Threat (Part 2)

Infections in Nursing Homes: An Expensive and Increasing Threat (Part 2)

Compared to hospitals of the same size, long-term care facilities have four times fewer infection-prevention specialists. So, nursing homes must be particularly innovative in their approach.

Infections in Nursing Homes: An Expensive and Increasing Threat (Part 1)

Infections in Nursing Homes: An Expensive and Increasing Threat (Part 1)

Volumes have been written about the massive costs, human and financial, of the infection crisis facing hospitals worldwide.Less attention has been paid to infection spread in nursing homes,...

COVID-19: How Can Hospitals Protect Patients & Staff With Novaerus?

COVID-19: How Can Hospitals Protect Patients & Staff With Novaerus?

First came SARS, then came MERS, then, a third deadly corona virus strain — COVID-19, originating in Wuhan, China — has jumped from animals to humans, and its infectious aerosols are...
